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The Extinction Rebellion Mastodon, for use by XR Groups around the world.

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SR co-founder & human rights Mike Lynch-White sentenced to 27 months today for peacefully disrupting production of military components made in the UK and supplied to with @pal_action. The justice system serves the interests of the powerful by imprisoning the peaceful, brave people who stand up to injustice. This sentence follows that of 2.7 and 3 years for Morgan and Marcus from @JustStopOil. [1/n]

Scientist Rebellion

"I have seen how the Palestinian people are at best second class citizens on their own ever-shrinking lands. Clearly, this is apartheid. We have denounced and defeated it before and we must again. Do not be brow-beaten into silent complicity by claims that supporting the near-defenseless Palestinian people is anti-semitic. The far-right government of Israel is doing this, not the Jewish people. Stand with the​​​​​​​ defenselessness, not the powerful." Mike said regarding this action. [2/n]

Mike already spent 3 months on remand for another protest with the climate group Burning Pink, and might face a further custody sentence for his involvement in the group Heathrow Pause. The trial will take place in June.

What can YOU do to help?

1. Share this post as widely & frequently as you can.


2. Write to Mike: You can send your letter via email to & someone will copy and paste it to the prison service.

Send him letters and postcards at:
Mike Lynch-White
HMP Altcourse
Brookefield Drive
L9 7LH

3. Donate to support him and his life partner so she can visit him in prison. Please share this crowdfunding campaign too.
