"Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels." Antonio Guterres, UN secretary-general.
@ExtinctionR But criminal damage against enforcement cameras of one of the lightest emission restrictions is apparently ok and endorsed by Government ministers.
@ExtinctionR As if creating a traffic jam was positive for the environment. Be creative at least. You are on the righteous side. That's not far fetched to sublimate it. Paint it in white on the asphalt! It is good for Earth's albedo!
@ExtinctionR @SallyStrange Yeah sure block me and desunite ourselves environmentalists even in discussing the best way to fight climate change. Get people angry against environmentalists in artificial traffic jams is sure the best way to fight climate change! Your attitude is despicable.
@SciencesPoulet @ExtinctionR @SallyStrange
People largely agree with efforts to reduce GHG emissions. Blocking roads is protesting at the wrong place. I can only speak for the US, but those are people stuck in a place where owning a car is a requirement with no other feasible options.
If you are in the US, I would protest at the entrances to city hall and give elected officials copies of this:
Ending car dependency is great for drivers too. Less traffic.
Ah, the famous horseshoe theory
The media's obsession with "but both sides" reporting is going to destroy civilization.
If you sing the "but both sides" song and one side is demonstrably worse, you have lent undeserved credibility to the side that is worse.
.@ExtinctionR XR may as well be a fossil fuel psyop. Real climate activists are lobbying for practical solutions, not doing dumb, polarizing publicity stunts.
@ExtinctionR The best way to solve this problem is to study the rate of oil consumption and substitute all that with non CO2 emitting power sources so big oil with be forced to change. Those who are climate denialists have never survived a class 5 hurricane. (And I wish those who did will never experience it again, but this will be for a long time or it will get worse). There's NOT a new normal..
It was completely infuriating and heartbreaking to hear of the climate activists who disrupted the Insurance Leadership Forum in Colorado Springs on Oct 3 to demand they stop insuring fossil fuel projects and were met with derision, laughter, and scorn.
One executive is heard yelling "I don't really care!"
We are not up against fellow humans beings in this fight. We are facing off with blind, money-lusting animals.
@ExtinctionR Australia loves a new mine. Our object is we will each have a hole in which to bury our heads the moment the apocalypse arrives