Year #XRDE2020 in review:
While #June in Germany is 1.4°C above ø '61-'90, we rebel decentral. puts boat in front of the NRW state parliament & aims to discuss a #CitizensAssembly with politicians inside. Out of the 100s we called, we got just 1.
In #June was at the House of German Industry, which houses the #BDI. It represents pretty much all those who produce & operate environmentally destructive things in Germany: #VW, #Daimler, #Lufthansa, #RWE, #HeidelbergCement, #BASF & #Bayer.
Dortmund is the municipality with the most shares in #RWE, so the city shares the responsibility for the #climatecrisis.
Activists from made this clear with naked facts & fake blood as a symbol for electric energy from #bloodcoal.
The decentralized rebellion starts in front of in Hamburg, where Germany's news program is produced:
Media must #TellTheTruth on #ClimateCrisis & ecological collapse!
#BuildBackBetter #KlimaVor8
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