Überraschung! Abkommen, dessen Nicht-Einhaltung keinerlei Sanktionen zur Folge hat, wird durch Großteil der Unterzeichnenden geflissentlich ignoriert.
„Bis spätestens gestern hätten die 184 Staaten, die das #Paris-Abkommen unterzeichnet haben, ihre verbesserten #Klimaziele einreichen müssen. Nur drei haben sich an die Frist gehalten.”
@xrbochum @xrgermany Marshallinseln, Surinam und Norwegen
#Norway #marshallislands #suriname
Three great states, because they did something, they are also three countries all ready aware of the changes, they already experience #climatecatastrophy
@Daniel @xrgermany That may be true for the Marshall Islands and Suriname. #Norway, however, still has high CO2 emissions per capita (despite relying almost entirely on hydroelectic plants for domestic energy generation), and its pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030 will be based in part on buying carbon offsets.
Let's also not forget that Norway continues to exploit and sell huge amounts of crude oil and natural gas.
@Daniel @xrgermany The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate even boast about their fossil fuel exports. https://www.norskpetroleum.no/en/production-and-exports/exports-of-oil-and-gas/
So no, #Norway is certainly not on track to meet their carbon neutrality goals. The only thing they are doing well is exporting their emissions into less fortunate countries.