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Extinction Rebellion Global

Humans have taken over the world. How do we decolonise it?


I suggested this in another post recently, and it's evident in your graphic: food, or "caloric restriction", to give that term some real gravity.

What made possible the dramatic growth of human population? It was the inception of agriculture and domestication of animals. For every other species, the availability of food and water are almost exclusively the two factors that control population.

Humans exempted themselves from that dynamic. Perhaps reintroduce it?


The only other option is to leave in truly vast numbers, but we lack the technology to transport billions across interplanetary or interstellar distances. That is a band-aid, since it does nothing to stop the same progression from repeating, both on Earth and every other body we colonize en masse.

It is entirely possible for people to eat vastly less meat, and most communities did until only a few decades ago.
Maybe will want to reduce demand for meat, or increase ease of access to plant based food to free up huge areas of land.


Reducing meat consumption doesn't by itself restrict food availability; in fact, it probably increases it. I assumed that by "decolonise the planet" you meant REDUCE human population dramatically. I was suggesting one of the few *voluntary* means available to us that might accomplish that. Otherwise the ecosystem will exercise its own agency soon enough to do the same, whether we like it or not.

@ExtinctionR This chart about beef is powerful. I’d like to dig into the data - do you have a link? Thanks.

@ExtinctionR such vast tonnage of beef production is only made possible by fertilizers made from fossil fuels. Gas and oil contain millions of years of latent energy. It is how we extended the carrying capacity of the Earth for ourselves and favored creatures.
Wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear are not fertilizer sources. FF's are a universal chemical energy source. It's readily capitalized, which makes people rich without a lot of work. They say you can't drink oil, but we are essentially eating, sweating out and shitting the chemicals derived from it, as well as burning it. It's in everything. Its use needs to be made generally illegal, like we did with other poisons that kill the biosphere like DDT and chlorofluorocarbons. Then beef production will decline, because it will take a lot more work to raise a cow for the market than now. Agro-capitalism will be replaced with agro-ecology, the second ag revolution if you will, which offers a better space for humans and wildlife to coexist in what is surely going to be a vastly degraded ecosystem needing our care.